School Uniform
School Uniform and Accessories Guidance
Our uniform guidance informs you of our expectations for children attending Thorpedene Primary School and Nursery.
We believe that a smart uniform promotes unity and gives a sense of identity. Our uniform encourages a neat and tidy appearance which enables our pupils to feel good about themselves and take pride in their school. All children in Years R - 6 are expected to wear school uniform. Nursery children have the option of wearing a uniform too.
School Uniform for Nursery to Year 6
We want the children in our Nursery to wear a uniform which is comfortable and suitable for learning indoors and out! Our Nursery children also have their own logo to identify them clearly as nursery aged children.
No sandals will be allowed at any time of the year. No separate P.E kit is required for Nursery pupils.
* Nursery and Reception children should have a spare set of clothes in school (including underwear) * |
EYFS - Year 6
Optional Extras
PE Kit
(children come into school wearing their PE kit on their dedicated day) |
Please ensure that all uniform is named - children can often misplace their belongings!
Please check handwritten labels regularly as they do wash out.
All uniform can be bought from Crawlers School Uniform Shop (01702 601274). The school holds a small supply of second-hand uniform for sale. Please ask at the Main Office for more information. Plain cobalt blue t-shirts are available from supermarkets.
Just as we expect children to dress appropriately for school, we also expect them to adopt a suitable, age-appropriate hairstyle. We actively discourage extreme hairstyles as they do not complement our school uniform. We consider extreme as hair colouring, tramlines, shaven heads and logos or any other style that could draw attention to the child and single them out from the rest of the school. If as a school, we feel a hairstyle is unsuitable we will ask for this to be rectified. Any hair long enough to be tied back should be. If a child comes to school with dyed, streaked hair, parents will be contacted and asked to return it to its original colour.
Jewellery & Accessories
For health and safety reasons, we do not allow the wearing of any jewellery, other than a watch and small stud earrings. All jewellery must be removed prior to coming to school by the parent or carers, with the exception of small stud earrings which must be removed on PE days. Nail varnish, artificial nails, fake tan, make up and tattoo/transfers are not allowed to be worn in school.
Children alone are responsible for any property they bring into school.
Children are not allowed to bring in any toys, electronic equipment or devices as the school cannot be held responsible for any breakage or loss that occurs.
Mobile phones should not be brought into school unless in exceptional circumstances (older children who take themselves home from school). In these instances, phones should be handed to the school office before school and collected after school.